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Frequently Asked Questions 

Are elk antler chews safe for dogs?

Elk Antler is extremally durable and safe for dogs. Fresh antler does not splinter or crack, it just wears down over time from a dog chewing on it. Noble Elk Farm only offers fresh grade A elk antler from farmed elk in the USA.

Can athletes take velvet antler?

Elk Velvet Antler is not banned in professional sports or NCAA sports. Athletes that are training are recommended to take a dosage of Elk Velvet Antler daily.

Is the elk meat hormone free?

Noble Elk farms uses no hormones or antibiotics with our elk herd. Our elk eat alfalfa hay, pasture, and a grain pellet formulated specifically for elk.

Can I buy a whole elk?

We do occasionally sell full animals. Reach out to us about availability on a whole elk.

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